06 Août, 2023

We glad to discuss your organisation situation.

The explosive growth of generative AI tools was clearly the headline from this survey. What else are we seeing?

Businesses are recognizing that the newer generative AI tools have crossed a threshold from “shiny new object” to demonstrating commercial viability and creating value across various domains.

Part two of the story is that there’s broad recognition—and heightened concern—about the risks. Many existed before with traditional types of AI—privacy, equity, anti-bias, and explainability. But now there is increased awareness of other risks that are particularly salien.

Two years ago, for example, everyone was saying explainability was essential. Now, we realize that isn’t always possible at a detailed level with foundational models.

Responsible AI (RAI) Principles

We believe Artificial Intelligence has the power to transform business and to help our clients and our people harness that potential in an ethical, legal, and sustainable way.

  • Organizations shouldn’t be building from scratch.
  • Chief risk officers are playing an even more critical role.
  • The third thing is a clear, structured approach for developing.

“What sort of men would think it is acceptable to subject to this level of brutality and violence? an attack like thiop.”Neil Borton

Organizations shouldn’t be building from scratch. The way I think of it is around “train tracks” that the organizations have built to handle, for instance, privacy, security, and basic data governance.

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